Thursday, May 3, 2012


"People are led to have a sense of entitlement because they falsely believe they are owed something based on the social roles that they have taken for themselves." ~ Francois Tremblay

"A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both." ~ Dwight Eisenhower

I admit it. I am an angry person. Lots of things make me mad. But I'm at a time in my life where fewer things make me mad, but the ones that do, enrage me. And, to top it off, these things that enrage me are things I can do absolutely nothing about.

On the top of my list of rage-inducing behaviors and attitudes is the concept of "Entitlement." Have you ever noticed that the people who are fighting to destroy the social safety net are the ones with the most virulent cases of the social disease I call "Entitlement?" Some people are safely ensconced in their entitlement. They can be that way and all the people around them are that way, and, for the most part they are inoculated from the rest of the riff-raff of the world.

Then there are those who feel that they are inherently (for whatever reason or reasons) "Entitled", but they see no fruit being borne from their Entitlement Tree. It's The Women. It's The Minorities. It's the Poor. All these people have slipped in, unforeseen, and shattered the dreams of our Entitled friends and neighbors.

More to follow ...


  1. I hope you're not suggesting that I'm not entitled to space out at work.

    And, to top it off, these things that enrage me are things I can do absolutely nothing about.

    That's how all the biggies are, grumble.

    1. You are not only entitled to space out at work, but you are also entitled to space out at home (hmmm ... well, perhaps not). Anyway, just don't space out while driving an automobile ... or a truck ... or a bus ... or while you are riding your bicycle (or unicycle or tricycle) in traffic.
